
1/14 | Idea conceived
1/17 | Semester starts
1/19 | Design completed

Editor Features

These are the features that are available when you are editing a text chunk.

Make Split (control space)

Split an existing chunk in two. This is useful for splitting up text imported from say, Word, into smaller chunks. After selecting "make split" from the pop up menu, you can enter text directly if you want to give the new chunk a name. Otherwise the name will be the first 20 characters of the text chunk

	this is the end of your wonderful paragraph.
	-->split{your new chunk name goes here}
		This is the start of your next paragraph 
	in your wonderful book about goblins...

When you navigate away from this chunk or you do a manual save (control S), you will be asked to confirm the splits in this chunk. If you agree then the chunk will be split into new chunks.

Save (control s)

Force a save of the entire document. This will also update the preview view above the editor

Goto (control space)

This feature allows you to navigate to any other chunk of the book using the keyboard. Depending on how you have split your document, you may for example, be first presented with a chapter list. Then when you select a chapter you will be able to choose from the chunk inside that chapter

Next (alt right arrow)

Goto the next chunk in the book

Previous (alt left arrow)

Goto the previous chunk in the book

Delete paragraph (control Y)

Rips a whole line out of the document

Copy paragraph (control D)

Copies a whole line and inserts it on the next line

Live Templates (tab)

Shortcuts to speed up document creation. See Live Templates